Blacksmith Class 2015

BlacksmithHave you ever wanted to try your hand at blacksmithing? Learn from the Pioneer Village’s own blacksmith, Matt Southwick. We have several classes open and will post more when they become available.

Payment for each class is due in cash or check at the door. Each class size is limited and registration is required, so send your name and phone number to to register now! Questions? Go ahead and shoot us an email to that address.

Introduction to Blacksmithing Class (Adult)
Saturday, August 8, 2015
4:00-7:00 PM @ Provo Pioneer Village (600 N 500 W, Provo, UT)
This class is an introduction to blacksmithing. Ages 16+ only. 
$25/participant (cash/check). Class size limited to 6.

Introduction to Blacksmithing Class (Adult & Youth)
Saturday, August 15, 2015

4:00-7:00 PM @ Provo Pioneer Village (600 N 500 W, Provo, UT)
This class is an introduction to blacksmithing. Age 12+ only; ages 12-16 must have a parent/guardian present.
$25/participant (cash/check; chaperones free if they only supervise,
but must pay if they participate). Class size limited to 6 participants. 

Adult Blacksmithing Class – Knife Making (2-day course)
Saturday, August 29, and Saturday, September 5, 2015
4:00-7:00 PM @ Provo Pioneer Village (600 N 500 W, Provo, UT)
The class covers knife making, from forging to heat treating, over the course of two days. Agenda: On Aug 29th,  the class will cover the forging process of the blade and tang. You will take the knives with you and finish the final shaping and profiling at home. On Sept 5th, the class will cover fixing any warps or bends in the blades and the heat treating process. Cost of the class includes enough “1095” steel to make 2 knives. Knowing the basics of blacksmithing is highly recommended.  Age 16+ (ages 16-17 must be supervised by a parent/guardian who is present at all times).  
$100/participant (cash/check) due on first day of class; this includes the cost of all materials. Class size limited to 4. Registration is required; registration opens on Monday, August 10, and ends on Thursday, August 27 at midnight.